IPL for Hair Removal 101

How It Works

Permanent hair reduction has rapidly become one of the most popular and highly sought after cosmetic procedures around the world. Thanks to advanced light-based treatments, patients no longer have to deal with tedious and bothersome removal methods like shaving, waxing, and tweezing that require constant maintenance.

Today, a majority of patients with unwanted hair seek more permanent removal methods like laser or IPL hair removal. These treatments utilize concentrated beams of light to selectively destroy hair follicles and stop future hair growth.

While different light-based technologies are used to remove hair, all treatments are alike. During a treatment session, bright flashes of light are emitted onto the unwanted hair. The light penetrates through the skin and selectively targets the melanin in the hair follicles. The pigment absorbs the light energy, effectively destroying the hair. Depending on the size of the handpiece being used, multiple hairs can be treated simultaneously.

Multiple sessions are necessary to target the hair follicles during their growth stage. Most patients need at least 4 to 6 treatments to see permanent, long-lasting results. Touch-ups may be required over time. Patients should see results after the first treatment – their hairs will grow back finer and weaker and the skin will become smoother. Results will become more noticeable and impressive with each additional treatment until all follicles are destroyed, successfully stopping continuous hair growth. Ask us about our packages for discounted rates for a series of treatments.

Prep + Post Treatment

  • How to prepare for your IPL Hair Removal Treatment.

    • Avoid tanning and extreme sun exposure for 4 weeks before your appointment.

    • Avoid medications that may cause sun sensitivity or excessive bleeding; Photosensitive medication should be discontinued for 2 weeks prior to your treatment. Before discontinuing use, patients should seek advice from their primary care physician.

    • Avoid waxing, chemical peel, or collagen shots for 2 weeks before your appointment.

    • Abstain from all anti-aging topicals for 72 hours prior to treatment and prescription strength Retin-A for a full week.

    • Avoid drinking more than 2 alcoholic beverages 24 hours before your treatment.

    • Remove all makeup from the treatment area.

    • Fully shave the treatment area shortly before your appointment for hair removal (the closer the shave the better, this allows for the laser to be direct to the hair follicles without individual hairs interfering).

    • Avoid any scented products (such as perfume, deodorant, lotion, or makeup) on the treatment area on the day of your appointment - the areas being treated need to be clean and free of chemical products.

  • Immediately after your treatment there likely will be some slight redness, swelling around the hair follicles and mild discomfort similar to a sunburn. You may also notice during and immediately after your session the smell of burned hairs. This is normal and will subside with cleansing.


    • Avoid activities that induce excessive sweating—hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, whirlpools, and vigorous workouts—for one to two days to minimize irritation and prolonged redness.

    • Apply a cold compress—not ice—to help reduce redness and swelling. You may use aloe gel or cool packs may be applied. Chemical cold packs are not recommended if their temperature is below 39°F.

    • Do not rub, pick or scratch any darkened, pigmented areas that begin to flake.

    • Do not use any loofahs or abrasive scrubs for at least 1 week or until any redness and sensitivity subsides.

    • Avoid natural and artificial tanning—including self-tanner and spray tans—for a minimum of four weeks.

    • Avoid using functional chemicals (ex: retinol, AHA) for at least for 48 hours after treatment.

    • Avoid using skin lotion containing alcohol since it may irritate the skin after treatment. Instead, use a mild skin lotion for moisture replenishment.

    • Pigmentation may occur again if you do not use sunblock after treatment. Apply a minimum SPF 45 (UVA/UVB) sunblock every two hours during sun exposure up to eight weeks.

    • Apply antibiotic ointment if skin is broken or blistering. If a crusting or blistering develops apply Vaseline or ointment twice daily, to keep the area moist until healed and contact our office if the area shows signs of worsening condition.

    • Use gentle cleansers with lukewarm water. Do not rub skin vigorously. Moisturizer may be applied.

    • If you take medicine due to other diseases, inform the operator.

    • After treatment of Skin Rejuvenation & Pigmented Lesions, Eschar is formed. This is a normal reaction.

    • Eschar may naturally fall off in 1~2 weeks. Additional treatments can be performed after that.

    • Perform treatment of inflammatory acne after squeezing suppuration.

    • Treatment of inflammatory acne should be performed 2 weeks apart.

    • Perform most treatments except hair removal in the interval of 2~4 weeks.

    • Though it is important to wait until after Eschar falls off to continue treatment. (Shower mode and toning mode treatment can be performed 1 week apart.)

    • Perform hair removal treatments 1 month apart.

    • While you may feel that the hair gets thicker for 1 week after hair removal treatment, this is a normal reaction.

    • While hair easily comes out if you lightly pull it, it is recommended that the hair should come out naturally.

    • If you pull out the hair, folliculitis may occur in the area due to inflammation. Do not pull it out.

Treatment FAQs

  • IPL works thanks to a pigment in hair called melanin: much like a dark sheet on a hot day, the melanin helps the hair absorb the light from the flashes, stimulating it to go into its resting phase. This leaves you with smooth, hair-free skin.

  • IPL takes about 6 sessions to get rid of 70% of hair permanently. Also the way IPL works by killing the follicle mans that in grown hairs will no longer be a problem. There is no need to grow out your hair before treatment as it is necessary to shave (NOT WAX OR PLUCK) on the day or the day before treatment.

  • Treatment time varies depending on the individual and the size of the body part being treated. Smaller areas such as the upper lip or underarm can take less that 10 minutes, while larger areas such as the back or full legs can take up to 2.5 hours.

  • You will likely see the results immediately after treatment. The results vary from patient to patient. The color and thickness of your hair, area treated, type of laser used, and color of your skin all affect the results. You can expect a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after the first treatment.

    To remove the hair, most patients need 2 to 6 laser treatments. After finishing the treatments, most patients do not see any hair on the treated skin for several months or even years. When the hair regrows, there tends to be less of it. The hairs also tend to be finer and lighter in color.

  • Hair grows in cycles, so we typically recommend coming in every four to six weeks, depending on the body part and the individual.

  • To avoid possible side effects, all patients need to protect their skin from the sun. After laser hair removal, you should:

    Avoid direct sunlight from hitting your treated skin.

    Not use a tanning bed, sun lamp, or any other indoor tanning equipment.

    You will see some redness and swelling after treatment. This often looks like a mild sunburn. Applying a cool compress can help reduce your discomfort.

  • No, laser hair removal generally does not require any real downtime. Immediately after having laser hair removal, your treated skin will be red and swollen. Despite this, most people return to their everyday activities.

  • Avoid sun exposure on the treatment area for 6 weeks before. You need to shave the treatment area right before your appointment - the closer the shave the better!

  • Most patients remain hair free for months or even years. When some of the hair regrows, it will likely be less noticeable. To keep the area free of hair, a patient may need maintenance laser treatments.

  • The most common side effects are minor and last 1 to 3 days. These side effects include:




    Other possible side effects are rare and can include:


    Herpes simplex (cold sores) outbreaks



    Skin lightening or darkening

    In time, skin color tends to return to normal. Some changes to skin color, however, are permanent.

  • Recent sunburn

    Unprotected sun exposure or solarium use 4 weeks prior to treatment


    History of seizures

    Severe dermatitis or eczema (within the treatment area)

    Active infections

    Roaccutane use in the last 6 months

    Herpes 1 or 2 (within the treatment area)

    Very dark skin

    Photo sensitising medications are best avoided