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Microneedling + Procell Microchanneling 101

Microneedling or microchanneling is a cosmetic procedure that involves pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles to intentionally create small wounds that cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. You might also hear it called collagen induction therapy. Microneedling + microchanneling is a more affordable alternative to laser treatments. Microneedling + microchanneling may work better for people with darker skin tones because it doesn’t involve heat the way laser treatments do, which can affect your skin’s pigmentation, or color. You will typically notice an improvement in the quality and appearance of your skin within the first 24 hours, and results of microneedling + microchanneling can last between 2-10 years. Add Procell Serum to enhance the effects.

How It Works

Benefits of Microneedling + Procell Microchanneling

Microneedling may help with issues like:

  • Acne

  • Hair loss (also called alopecia)

  • Dark spots or patches on your skin (hyperpigmentation)

  • Large pores

  • Reduced skin elasticity

  • Scars

  • Stretch marks

  • Sun damage

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

Treatment Areas

All areas of the body can be treated. Most common for anti-aging are the face, neck, and chest. We can also treat the abdomen and thighs for stretch marks. Microneedling + microchanneling is also effective for hair regrowth in some circumstances. If you are interested in receiving microneedling or microchanneling on an area not listed on our menu, please reach out to see if we can accommodate your request.

Procell Growth Serum

Procell's Microchannel Delivery Serum is a natural solution for improving skin firmness, elasticity, and tone. This serum contains bone marrow-derived growth factors suspended in hyaluronic acid, both of which are naturally occurring in the human body. There are no foreign substances, human, animal, or plant cells, DNA, or blood in the serum.

The main active ingredient in Procell serum is Stem Cytokines, which supports cellular renewal. As we age, we lose most of our stem cells, and by middle age, only a few percent remain compared to our youth. The remaining stem cells are also less robust. However, when Procell serum is applied to the skin, it mimics the effect of having more stem cells, thanks to the regenerating properties of Stem Cytokines.

Procell serum creates a biological interaction between damaged cells and healing cytokines. Our bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells, which contain DNA hardware to work towards wound healing, fighting disease, and rejuvenating skin. The cells secrete proteins called cytokines, which are like little packages of information.

When the microchannelling technique is used, creating a small injury in the skin, stem cells report to the area and heal. Cell receptors in the injured area connect with the healthy cytokine into the damaged cells, initiating the healing process. Say goodbye to dull and tired-looking skin with Procell's Microchannel Delivery Serum.

Prep + Post Treatment

  • How to prepare for your microneedling + microchanneling treatment.

    • Please be sure to disclose any medication you are currently taking, any allergies, any medical condition that may seem relevant, any skin care products you are using, and any other recent skin treatments (such as chemical peel), as these could have serious adverse effects

    • The technician will cleanse your face before the treatment, but it is best to avoid arriving with excessive makeup.

  • Day of Treatment

    • Do not apply anything to treated areas, except for any products provided or approved by your technician. We prefer that nothing touches the treated area for 24 hours after the treatment, including water.

    • The initial redness/sunburn feeling will remain for at least 90 min, up to two days, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment.

    • Do not touch treated areas with your hands, cellphone or any other foreign objects for at least 90 minutes after your treatment is finished! Irritations from these sources can cause allergic reaction.

    • Avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours post treatment. You may apply sunscreen the following day.

    Days following treatment:

    • You may resume your normal skin care regimen 24 hours post treatment.

    • Refrain from using AHA/retinol or Vitamin C products for 2 weeks post treatment.

    • Drink lots of water.

    • You may experience drying and tightening of skin. Applying moisturizer liberally will help with the dryness. Never let your skin dry out!

    • Some peeling or acne is to be expected.

Treatment FAQs

  • ProCell's Microchannel Delivery Serum is a natural solution for improving skin firmness, elasticity, and tone. This serum contains bone marrow-derived growth factors suspended in hyaluronic acid, both of which are naturally occurring in the human body. There are no foreign substances, human, animal, or plant cells, DNA, or blood in the serum.

    The main active ingredient in Procell serum is Stem Cytokines, which supports cellular renewal. As we age, we lose most of our stem cells, and by middle age, only a few percent remain compared to our youth. The remaining stem cells are also less robust. However, when Procell serum is applied to the skin, it mimics the effect of having more stem cells, thanks to the regenerating properties of Stem Cytokines.

    Procell serum creates a biological interaction between damaged cells and healing cytokines. Our bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells, which contain DNA hardware to work towards wound healing, fighting disease, and rejuvenating skin. The cells secrete proteins called cytokines, which are like little packages of information.

  • All areas of the body can be treated. Most common for anti-aging are the face, neck, and chest. We can also treat the abdomen and thighs for stretch marks. Microneedling + microchanneling is also effective for hair regrowth in some circumstances. If you desire treatment on an area we do not have listed here, please contact us for a consultation.

  • The number of recommended treatments greatly depends on what we are treating. For light anti-aging treatments, 1-2 treatments may be sufficient. For deeper wrinkles and acne scarring, 4-6 treatments may be required to achieve desired results. There is no limit to the number of treatments that you receive. We offer a variety of packages at discounted rates if you are interested in multiple sessions. We recommend waiting at about one month between treatments.

  • You are not a candidate for microneedling if any of the following apply to you:

    If you currently are taking medications such as blood thinners, anti-inflammatory, steroids, or Accutane (or if you have taken Accutane in the last two years)

    Injectables in the last 30 days

    Cold sores, herpes, or fever blisters

    Skin disease

    Autoimmune disease

    Recent chemical or laser peel

    Currently undergoing cancer treatment (i.e. radiation or chemotherapy)

    Topicals such as Retin-A, AHA, or exfoliating skincare products

    Vitamin A or E in any form

    Allergy to metals

    Pregnant or lactating

    Heart condition




    Keloid scarring

    Uncontrolled diabetes


  • You can add Procell Growth Serum to any microneedling or microchanneling appointment for $50. Procell Growth Serum is a specialized serum that contains a variety of growth factors, peptides, and other beneficial ingredients that help to support healthy skin function and promote cellular regeneration. When used in conjunction with microneedling or microchanneling, the Procell Growth Serum can help to enhance the effects of the microneedling or microchanneling treatment by delivering these growth factors and other nutrients directly to the deeper layers of the skin.

  • There is some discomfort during the treatment. We like to describe it as an annoying feeling. There is minimal lingering discomfort, and we have a number of strategies we employ to minimize discomfort during treatment. It may feel as though the skin is sunburned for up to 48 hours after the treatment (typically less than 24 hours).

  • You will typically notice an improvement in the quality and appearance of your skin within the first 24 hours. After 2-3 treatments a thicker, more robust, collagen filled cellular matrix will produce more consistent and noticeable improvement. Six or more treatments may be recommended for scarring, laxity, and wrinkles. For hair regrowth, some reactivation typically appears within the first two weeks, with noticeable improvement after about 5 weeks.

  • Results of microneedling + microchanneling can last between 2-10 years, depending on your lifestyle and age. For anti-aging we do recommend yearly treatments to maintain maximum results.

  • You can apply make-up, sunblock and other topical products after about 90 minutes, although we recommend keeping the skin clear of products for 24 hours to maximize results. Immediately following the treatment you may experience anything from minor redness, to a deep red flush, which clears up in 4 to 72 hours, depending on how aggressive the treatment is.