What You Need To Know About Scalp Micropigmentation

Title: What you need to know about scalp micropigmentation Meta: An overview of how scalp micropigmentation works and when it's helpful 

Losing your hair can be a distressing experience, but don't worry. There's hope out there for you. Scalp micropigmentation, or SMP, is a popular treatment option that gives the illusion of fuller, healthier hair without surgery or medication. Here's what you need to know about the procedure and whether it's right for you.

What is SMP?

With SMP, natural pigments are "tattooed" onto the scalp with microneedles. These pigments mimic your real hair follicles. If you're suffering from hair loss or a receding hairline, SMP makes your hair appear fuller. If you're already bald, SMP can make it look like you've got a number 0 buzz cut. 

How does SMP work?

At your first appointment, you'll choose the look you're going for with the help of your artist or practitioner. Then, the practitioner uses the microneedles to layer colored dots onto the your scalp in varying hues. The dots follow the direction of your hair follicles for a natural look. It's a highly specialized treatment that can take between three and five hours per session. 

The whole treatment usually takes three visits, but it can be more or less, depending on the chosen style and the volume of hair loss.

How long does SMP last? 

The treatment lasts up to eight years. Due to the skin's natural exfoliation cycle, the effect may fade earlier than this. Don't panic, though - you can always have the procedure redone or "topped up" if need be. 

For men, it's recommended that you keep your hair short to see the full effect of the SMP. 

What are the benefits of SMP?

There are many benefits of SMP, but here's a rundown of the most significant ones:

  • Little to no maintenance is required.

  • You have control over the hairline design and style preferences.

  • It can hide birthmarks and scars on the scalp.

  • It's reversible.

  • The ink doesn't sink in as deep as tattoo ink, so there's less risk of a pigment allergy or infection.

  • Since the procedure is non-invasive, recovery time is minimal, and you can resume your daily activities straight away.

Always research SMP artists thoroughly before you commit to the procedure, and be sure to ask as many questions as you need to. 


Whether you're experiencing a receding hairline or total baldness, you can benefit from SMP. This non-surgical treatment is safe, effective, and long lasting, and it can completely transform your look.


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