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Scalp Micropigmentation 101

Scalp Micropigmentation (or "SMP") is a safe and natural-looking alternative for hair restoration. It is a specifically designed and modified form of tattooing that is applied to the scalp to give the appearance of hair follicles – helping to bring confidence to men and women who have experienced all types of hair loss.

Scalp Micropigmentation is the ultimate in non-surgical male and female hair follicle replication; an incredible life-changing treatment where natural pigments are applied at the epidermal level of the scalp to replicate the natural appearance of real hair follicles.

How It Works

The SMP practitioner uses sterile, disposable micro-fine needles to deposit pigment at the surface of the scalp to decrease the color contrast between hair and bald scalp. SMP is as much an art as it is a science. Each treatment is tailored to your exact skin color and type. To create the most natural appearance possible, on average, patients receive three to four treatments spaced out 10-14 days between each session, followed by “touch ups” every 4-6 years, if needed. Each client’s needs are unique. During your consultation, we will talk to you about exactly what results you want to get, and ensure a custom procedure, designed to give you the desired effects that you’re looking for.

What SMP can fix…

  • Women’s hair loss

  • Receding hairlines

  • Thinning hair

  • Men’s pattern baldness

  • Scar camouflage

    Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation

  • Non-surgical

  • No maintenance

  • Budget-friendly

  • No medication

  • No recovery time

  • 100% effective

Scalp Micropigmentation for Women:

Many believe Scalp Micropigmentation is only for men, but it's actually common that many of our clients are women dealing with hair loss. This can be due to overall thinning or alopecia, menopause, genetics, or other conditions that usually follow a physical or emotional trauma, like childbirth and stress. Whether you have long hair, short hair, thinning hair or a visible scalp, Scalp Micropigmentation can provide the appearance of a thicker, fuller head of hair.

Scalp Micropigmentation for Men:

Scalp Micropigmentation can be used to camouflage baldness either as a standalone procedure for someone who does not want to undergo a hair transplant or combined with a hair transplant to enhance a surgical result.

Before + After Photos

Prep + Post Treatment

  • How to prepare for your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment.

    2 days before

    Don’t consume alcohol at least 48 hours before the procedure. Alcohol is a blood thinner, making you bleed more. Avoid medication, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as well. These also increase the risk of bleeding because they prevent the blood from clotting. Tea, coffee, and energy drinks (anything with caffeine) are also blood thinners.

    The night before

    Get a good night’s sleep to make sure you’re in good shape for the procedure. And make sure you’re properly hydrated at least a day prior to allow your skin to accept the ink better. Exfoliate your scalp to remove any dead skin cells.

    The day of

    Have a hearty breakfast on the day of your procedure to build your stamina. Wash your head also since it’ll be a while before you can take a shower after getting the tattoo. Don’t exercise or use any oily, waxy products on your head. The excess oil can prevent the pigment from retaining.


    • Retinol/Retin-A must be discontinued 7 days prior to procedure. (It will cause the skin to bleed).

    • Injections (Botox, Radiesse, JuvaDerm, Voluma, etc.) must be done at least 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after procedure.

    • Chemical peels and laser treatments may not be done within 60 days before or after procedure.

    • Sunburned or suntanned skin is damaged skin and therefore will cause excessive bleeding. We CANNOT work on sunburned or suntanned skin.

    • We are prohibited from tattooing over moles.

    • You cannot expose the area to the sun for 30 days before or after procedure.

    • Do not schedule this procedure within one week prior to a water vacation.

    • Stay out of steam rooms, saunas, hot yoga, swimming pool, etc. for one week following procedure.

    • Avoid working out or sweating for one week post procedure. Sweat will prevent pigment from healing into the skin.

    • Avoid alcohol and caffeine 1-2 days before procedure to minimize any oozing, bleeding or swelling.

    • Do not take coumadin, aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, fish oil or vitamin E 3 days prior to procedure.

    • Please consult with your physician before stopping any prescribed medical treatments.

  • • Avoid soaking your head in water for about 3-5 days. Also, avoid any activities that cause you to sweat profusely.

    • You may notice a bit of swelling the first few days after your treatment. This is completely normal and should not be a cause of concern.

    • Do not scrub, scratch, or comb your scalp. If it becomes too itchy, use your fingertips instead of your nails to avoid taking off some of the pigments.

    • You may wash your scalp on the 5th day with a mild shampoo.

    Long term care for your SMP:

    • Keep your scalp moisturized each day. This helps minimize dry scalp and prevent the flaking of the pigment.

    • Apply sunscreen to your scalp with a SPF of 30-50 to preserve the color of the pigment.

    • Avoid using hair care products that contain alcohol in them. Alcohol can be absorbed by your scalp and make the pigment look blotchy.

    • Exfoliate your scalp at least once a week to remove dead skin cells to maintain the appearance of the pigment.

Treatment FAQs

  • Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment that uses detailed micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp. The result creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles or short hair stubble. If you are starting to thin, recede, or if you are completely bald, we can give men the look of a short buzz cut, and women the look of thicker fuller hair.

  • Our pricing is based on the level of hair loss, which is different for each client. Typically, the price ranges between $900 - $4,000. We recommend a consultation so we can evaluate your case and provide a personalized price quote based on your hair loss needs. You can view our pricing guide here!

  • Scalp Micropigmentation has become such an effective hair loss solution because of its consistently natural and undetectable results. We pride ourselves on the ability to seamlessly replicate each individual hair follicle to create a perfect match for each client.

  • Scalp Micropigmentation should never be considered a one treatment process. Most clients can expect between 2-4 sessions to complete their treatment depending on the extent of hair loss or scarring. These treatments are usually spaced about 10-20 days apart.

  • The Scalp Micropigmentation treatment typically takes 2-5 hours per session depending on your degree of hair loss.

  • After completion of your treatment (2-4 sessions) a client should expect the strength of the color to last for many years. Over a longer term, a client will very gradually begin to notice slight lightening (not discolor) of the treatment. When this occurs they can undergo a brief “touch up” session to restore any fading and secure many more years of their style.

  • For most clients, the pain is minimal and it's consistently less painful than traditional tattoos. After your session, you won't experience any further discomfort.

  • Scalp Micropigmentation is a form of permanent cosmetics or permanent makeup. Often referred to as a cosmetic hair or scalp tattoo, this treatment typically lasts 4-6 years. After that time, a client may experience some slight fading, to which they can come back in for a quick touch up. This cosmetic solution will not wash off but can be tweaked as years go on. We always recommend meeting with our experienced expert practitioner to discuss your treatment options.

  • If you are unsure of what style or type of hairline will work for you, your treatment specialist will be there to help. With artistic experience on how to fit a hairline to head shape and age, your specialist can help recommend what’s best. Over the course of your sessions you can also tweak and adjust the hairline for a perfect result.

  • No. Scalp Micropigmentation is a form of permanent cosmetics, but unlike tattoo ink, the pigment is designed to fall within the same color spectrum of short cut hair. The pigment contains no additional colorants or additives and will only lighten, not discolor over an extended time.

  • Depending upon the pattern and extent of the thinning hair, some clients are able to maintain a longer length of hair. Scalp Micropigmentation can help thicken areas so that less of the scalp is seen showing through. However, if there is a strong pattern of hair loss or just not a lot of hair density left, the client is recommended to crop it shorter.

  • Yes, those with gray hair can still benefit from the Scalp Micropigmentation procedure. First, most clients are recommended to cut their hair to a short buzzed length. When this is done, gray hair does not appear as gray because the hair root itself is darker. Hair only shows gray as it gets longer. Second, we use a gray-scale pigment that can be adjusted in shade to blend with lighter hair tones. We simply create a lighter dilution for blending into the existing gray hairs.

  • Yes! We are able to match the shade of our pigment to a wide range of skin tones. Whether you are Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, or Pacific Islander and much more...Scalp Micropigmentation can work for you.

  • We recommend no heavy sweating or intense exercise for 4-5 days after your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment.

  • Yes! Scalp Micropigmentation is used to add density to thinning areas. We are able to add thickness to common areas like the crown, hair parting, and more.

  • Clients can continue using Propecia during and after their Scalp Micropigmentation procedure. Rogaine (topical minoxidil) should be suspended during the course of treatment and for 30 days post your final session. This is to ensure the proper healing and settling of pigment without interference of the chemicals found in Rogaine foam.

  • Yes! We use our specialized Scalp Micropigmentation technique to deposit color matched pigment into the scar to reduce visibility.

  • Yes, there is a $50 consultation fee for anyone looking to learn about Scalp Micropigmentation. A consultation is required before booking the SMP service. Consultations can be done in-person or over video chat via Zoom, FaceTime, etc. Our expert will guide you through the process and help you decide which style is best for you. We then create a plan of action, mapping out what is required to reach your goal and get the results you desire. The consultation fee is a part of the total service cost and will be credited towards your final invoice.

  • Yes, please check out our instagram page @beautyrulepdx or our gallery page which shows our client's before and after images. Scroll up on this page, there are some photos above as well.

  • We recommend no scrubbing, shampooing, or shaving over the treated area for 4-5 days after your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment.

  • Yes, you can wear a hat or a skullcap after your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment is complete. However, we hope you won't want to be wearing them as much!

  • We recommend you try to avoid chlorinated pools, saunas, steam rooms, and tanning beds for 28 days post final Scalp Micropigmentation session.

  • There are three main differences between Scalp Micropigmentation vs. Tattooing:

    We are depositing pigment into the skin at a shallower depth than tattoos, only about 2mm into the dermis

    We are strictly making small micro dots through pointillism method, not shading or drawing lines

    We use only a black or brown pigment which is much more diluted than typical tattoo inks. For this reason, it won't break down to different colors or look too saturated once it heals

  • No, the Scalp Micropigmentation treatment will not grow your hair back. However, the SMP treatment will give you the look of short hair or a tight buzz-cut. We recommend keeping your hair at a shorter length to create the most natural outcome.

  • You are not a candidate for SMP if any of the following apply to you:



    Diabetes Type 1


    Hepatitis B/C


    Active Skin Disorders: cold sores, shingles, impetigo, psoriasis, pink eye, sunburn, severe acne

    Active vitiligo


    Blood disorders: sickle cell, hemophilia

    Keloid formation

    Mental disorders

    Accutane (must be off for 6 months)

    Steroids (must be off for 6 months)

    History of MRSA or staph infections

  • Yes! The pigment we use is both Vegan and cruelty-free.