Why We Are Only Using Medical Devices That Are Only FDA Approved, Not Registered Or Cleared
Want to know why we only ever use FDA Approved lasers for our cosmetic and beauty treatments? Well, it all comes down to how seriously we take client safety – here's what you should know.
The Difference Between FDA Registered, FDA Approved, and FDA Cleared
FDA Registered, Approved, Cleared: What’s the Difference?
Ever wondered what it means when someone claims that a medical product or device is "FDA Approved" or "FDA Registered"? Don't worry, you're not alone – here's what you should know.
Sweating And Eyelash Extensions
So you've got your new eyelash extensions and you're loving them. But what about when it comes to working out? Our bodies sweat all over, and whether you're hitting the track or lifting weights, and especially taking a dip in the pool, your new lashes are going to get wet.
Using Scalp Micropigmentation To Cover Hair Transplant Scars
Scalp micropigmentation, also known as SMP, is a form of cosmetic tattoo used as a concealer for hair and scalp deformities. Cosmetic deformities of the scalp can arise from hair restoration surgeries or dermatologic diseases such as scarring alopecia or thinning hair from genetic alopecia. SMP can also be used to conceal neurosurgery scars and head trauma scars.
Face Sculpting 101 And FAQ's
Are you looking to improve the shape of your face without invasive surgery? Face sculpting might be the perfect solution. Here's everything you need to know.
How To Look More Awake
8 Ways to Look Awake and Refreshed Without Using Makeup
Applying makeup every morning to appear more awake can be incredibly time-consuming. Luckily, there are plenty of alternatives that will help you look refreshed — here are 8 makeup-free tips:
What Is LED Light Therapy?
LED light therapy is a proven, popular, and non-invasive treatment for various skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, pigmentation, sun damage, and premature aging. This effective rejuvenation solution uses varying wavelengths (colors) of LED light to stimulate the skin’s natural healing processes and encourage healthy new skin tissue to grow.
Using Lash Serum With Lash Extensions
Great lashes frame the eyes and make them your stand-out feature. That’s why lash serums are THE hot beauty trend, promoting lash growth and strength. As long as you find the right one, lash serums can be applied to eyelashes enhanced with extensions, strengthening them from root to tip and helping your extensions stay in place.
Men And Microblading
Think microblading is just for women? Think again! We've all got eyebrows, remember. And men care about their body image just as much as women do. So here's what you must know about microblading and why it's a great procedure for everyone.
Body Contouring And What Is It?
Ultrasound is a brand new way to tighten tone and lift parts of the body – not just skin deep, but deeper into the same fibro-muscular tissues that are targeted with surgery.
How To Prevent Mask Acne
Since we’re going to be wearing masks for a while, managing mask acne isn’t going to be a one-time deal. It will require developing both treatment and ongoing prevention habits to keep your skin clear.
What Is ProCell Microchanneling?
Looking for a lasting way to improve your skin's appearance and vitality? ProCell Microchanneling could be the treatment for you! This non-surgical procedure takes all the benefits of traditional microneedling and gives it a much-needed "facelift," leaving you with glowing, younger looking skin in just one treatment!
Summer Looks For 2020
Things are looking up! The weather is getting better, summer is nearly here, and with regard to COVID-19, we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sterilizing Our Treatment Rooms During COVID-19
We’re so excited to share with you The Beauty Collective’s latest piece of technology. We’re using a special light in our service rooms to combat COVID-19, and we’re so happy that clients can enjoy clean, pure air when they come to us for their treatments. This amazing light is called a Smart UV-C Lamp, and this is why we love it!